Blond haired person sleeping in neutral coloured room

Knowing what time your symptoms occur allow acupuncturists to diagnose and treat your sleep disturbances and help you to rest all night long.

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Muddled thoughts and over thinking in anxious brain

If you suffer with anxiety you will think everyone knows what it is because they will feel like you. We all think anxiety means the same thing, but it doesn’t. It shows up differently in each unique individual.

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Man looking stressed with head in hands surrounded by books and laptop

Stress is healthy in small amounts. It helps us stay focused and sort out problems. We’re just not supposed to live our whole lives in the same state of alert that we did when we had to run away from tigers or lions!

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2 girls looking at laptop

If you would like to help your teen to make changes so they cope better with the final exams in the summer here are my top tips

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Woman looking at the mountains with her hands raised in the air

If you ever struggle with feeling overwhelmed the chances are it’s peaking around now. At any time in the UK an average adult might be juggling any number of tasks. You can end up feeling you are holding everyone else’s happiness and wellbeing in your hands. You feel like you are failing before you’ve even started because you’re trying to achieve an impossible set of tasks.

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